Chicken Bread Recipe

Chicken Bread Recipe at Home


Chicken Bread Recipe

Chicken Bread Recipe
HereFor dough:
2 cups white flour
2 tsp instant yeast
2 tbsp Milk powder
1/2 cup warm Milk
2 tbsp melted Butter
1 tbsp Sugar
1 tsp Salt
One egg
2 tbsp Oil
For filling:
250 gm Chicken mince
Capsicum and green onion greens, chopped, 1 cup
One chopped onion
One clove of Garlic chopped
1 tsp red chilli powder, Salt, and 1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp chilli sauce
1 tbsp chilli garlic sauce.

How To Make Chicken Bread

Combine all dough ingredients and knead with water to make a soft dough. Put the cover on it and let it rise warmly until it doubles in size.
Set aside for 1 hour.
Heat 2 tbsp oil in a pan, add chopped onion and garlic, and garlic for 1 minute to make the filling.
For the next ten minutes, the chicken mince will cook in its water, so after adding it to the pan to fry for two minutes, you may add all the other ingredients.
Take away from heat and let cool.
Now divide the dough into three equal pieces and roll each into an oval.
Strip it along the middle lengthwise with a knife.
Fill the middle and fold over the side strips to seal.
Brush with egg
Place on a baking tray, transfer in the oven, and bake at 200 C for 25 minutes.
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